Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Heavenly Man - free audiobook

Christian Audio puts out a free audiobook each month.  This month's book looks great, I've cut and pasted a review below.  Click on the image at right to go to website for the free download.

The Heavenly Man

“The Heavenly Man is the autobiography of Liu Zhenying (also known as Brother Yun), a Chinese missionary who began to spread the gospel at the age of 16, in the 1960's. From the beginning of Brother Yun's ministry, we see God's hand directing his every step. His was not an easy life, but he determined not to be stopped by threats, arrests, or torture. This level of commitment led to some remarkable miracles in his life. What a challenge to all of us!

I thought the narrator was perfect for this book. His English was a little stilted, which made me feel like the author himself was telling us his story. The mention of so many places and historical events made me want to look up maps and timelines, and I ended up learning a lot about how this part of the world evolved in their views on religion. Although I had to cringe and pause the listening during some of the more difficult passages, this was a story I really enjoyed listening to and easily found myself engrossed in.

This is a must-read for missionaries, and something that every Christian on the planet could benefit from reading. I learned a lot about devotion, evangelism, and loving my neighbor enough to risk my life so that he can hear the Gospel.

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