Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Geo Bee...

To visit the ruins of Persepolis, an ancient ceremonial capital of Persia, you would have to travel to what present-day country?

If you answered Iran and are in 4th-8th grade, then you should consider competing in a local Howard County homeschool Geo Bee. The local competition is the first step toward the National Geographic Bee that hosts a representative from each state. Each state champion will compete for a chance to win the grand prize of a $25,000 scholarship to college, a trip to the Galapagos Islands, and a lifetime membership to National Geographic. The finals for the National Geo Bee are hosted by Alec Trebeck (of Jeopardy fame) and are televised on PBS.

The National Geo Bee was started as a way to promote excitement for the study of geography.  For more information on the Geo Bee go to

The local bee will be held on Thursday, January 12. To sign-up or to learn more, email Lissa Roberts.

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