Friday, April 19, 2013

The Battle of the Books comes to GCT

by D. Lutz

The 5th graders in Howard County have a wonderful opportunity to participate in a countywide reading competition called the Battle of the Books. The Howard County Library, within their A+ Partners in Education program, sponsor hundreds of children who will read 16 books and then compete for prizes.

This year there are around 180 teams participating. That’s 900 children building vocabulary, increasing reading comprehension, developing teamwork, and learning good sportsmanship. The teams will all read the same 16 books, but each will decide on unique costumes and names. On April 19th, the teams will meet in one of four Howard County high schools and compete for prizes-- gift cards to book stores, of course!

Last year, Granite Classical Tutorials participated as the first and only home school group. Our team, Pippi’s Longstockings, did exceptionally well (5th place!) and got to read some really great books and become very good friends. This year, we have another team organized and ready to win. Our team name is D.E.A.R. – the Drop Everything And Read team. We were given our books before Christmas and are now reading them as well as memorizing the authors and the titles.

Please encourage our D.E.A.R. team members: Alexia A. Carson B., Lena B., Jaeden B., and Madison S.. We meet every Wednesday during lunch to talk about the books we have read and challenge each other on the authors and titles. As April grows closer, we will be planning costumes and quizzing each other about the details within the pages.

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