Friday, June 10, 2011

Great Summer Opportunity!

Looking for something for you or your youth to do this Summer? Become the proud recipient of a certificate from the Moments Remembered Cake Decorating Series ( 
I will be teaching classes for all skill levels from ages 10yrs to adult. The County and State Fairs held at the end of the Summer offer a great opportunity to showcase the newly acquired skills, win some ribbons and gain some competition experience. Many have also taken this opportunity to launch a new and exciting business venture.
I will be offering the following Adult & Youth Courses and may be contacted via email or at 410-917-2788 for further information:

Beginner's Level - Creating & presenting the perfectly covered cake
Intermediate Level - Flowers, flowers, flowers
Advanced Level - A wedding cake exploration
Upon request, a brochure with expanded information may be mailed to you. Visit the website to view a sampling of the work of some past students.

Confectionately yours,

 Vuyi Kamuhuza
Creative Director

Moments Remembered

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