Monday, March 14, 2011

Granite Student Shines!

Check out this recent Granite student accomplishment.  Her mom's email is partially duplicated here to include the link for the news article. Way to go Elizabeth!

Hi all,

Check out the write-up this a.m. in the Baltimore Sun.  It was a valiant, all-out word duel between Elizabeth and her chief rival of last year.  She wanted so badly to go to the National Bee in Washington, D.C., but after 32 rounds, the judges gave her a word she had never seen before in print and for which they could not provide a language of origin, her chief clue as to how to spell an unknown word:  ballyhooed.  There's more to that, but I won't go into it!  Suffice to say, we are so very very proud of her and how hard she worked to get there and get so far.  And she can try again next year!

Also, if you were to actually buy the Sunday paper, she is mentioned by name on the bottom of the front page!  And the full article is on page 2.  What an honor for a 12-year old!

Regards, Sandy Bernatowicz