Sunday, September 16, 2012

Women Who Stand - Holly Kosten!

September 19-23rd , I will be taking part in a 365-mile bike ride around Maryland with several other women. You might be wondering why I would do such a thing - 365 miles is a long way to go on a bike, even spread over 4-5 days.

The ride was organized by Women Who STAND, a group committed to raising awareness about some of the issues facing women, children, and families in Malawi and Cambodia and to raising funds to support World Relief’s programs in both countries. Our goal for this ride is to raise $25,000 (or more) for families in Malawi and Cambodia, particularly those affected by HIV/AIDS.

The money we raise for Malawi will be used to provide school kits to 350 children who have lost parents to HIV/AIDS and school fee grants to 50 children who otherwise probably wouldn’t be able to continue their educations past elementary school .

In Cambodia, the funds we raise will be used to support an agricultural program that focuses on the moringa tree, which is such a great source of nutrition that it’s been called “the miracle tree.” The funds we raise could provide moringa seedlings and training on how to tend, harvest, and prepare them to as many as 5,000 people!

World Relief is the relief and development arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, which has been active since just after World War II. They currently have offices in thirteen countries, including 24 offices in the U.S. Through programs that range from disaster response to agricultural development to HIV/AIDS prevention and care, World Relief seeks to empower local churches to serve the most vulnerable in their own communities and around the globe, by following the example of Jesus.

Copy and paste the link below to read more about our team and join us in supporting women and children in Malawi and don't even have to pedal a mile to support this cause!  We appreciate your prayers to safely reach our goal of 365 miles to support 365 days of work. 

With love,

Holly Kosten