Saturday, May 28, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Graduation Story

The growing anticipation of an evening long awaited had finally reached it's peak.  Donning blue and gold the students walked up the stairwell, approaching the moment they had all worked so hard to accomplish.  Pomp and Circumstance in the background, they entered the sanctuary to a gathering in their name.  Standing, looking, tears, smiles, the season of life they knew as 'Granite' was left in the outer hall as they walked through into next.  Looking back, looking forward, song, pictures, memories, and a small swish of a few strands of gold, and what once was became what will be.  The class of 2011 was sent off with grand tribute, followed and joy in the moment.
Our love wants to keep them, but it must send them off.

A special thanks to Holly Kosten for her unbelievable efforts to coordinate a beautiful evening.  Along with her were members of the 11th grade and their parents, Karen Lacy, Debbie Hsu, and Laurie Dickerson.  This group worked very hard to make the evening special, and they succeeded in grand style.  Our deepest appreciation to them for a job well done!

It is hard to believe another year has passed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Seniors' Last Day

This Wednesday, May 4th, is the last day for our Seniors.  We will be having a special chapel time to include the traditional passing of the class Bible on to the Juniors.  Please join us if you are able as we send them off for the last time.

Oh, and bring your kleenex.

'Book-It' Program with Pizza Hut

Anyone interested in the 'Book-It' program can access the information with the link below.  Happy reading!

Book-It Program Details