Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is a Liberal Arts Education Compatible with a Science or Math Career?

Gutenberg College in Eugene, Oregon puts out a newsletter about ten times each year. The current issue addresses a question with which many of Granite's students and parents have wrestled: is a classical education really advisable, advantageous, or even appropriate to students pursuing a field that is mathematical or science related? To read the article, go to this link and download the current issue: Gutenberg Newsletter or download the .pdf off of Edline's News section.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to the Granite Wall!

We have put this blog together in order to provide a forum where families can post 'for sale' items, informational items, find carpools, find uniforms and books, and everything in between.  Spiritual encouragement, pastor quotes, inspirational articles, and things that are pertinent to the Granite community will all likely be seen here as well.  You will need to have a Gmail account in order to be added to the 'member list' that allows you to post directly.  Posts will be subject to moderation before final upload and all comments are moderated before posting.
So, add us to your bookmarks or your RSS feed for updates and you won't miss a thing!